Data Controller

Organization: War Child Help
Legal Entity Code: 306697356
Address: Neries krant. 16G, LT-48395 Kaunas
Contact Email:

Purpose of Personal Data Processing

Our website and our organizational activities involve the processing of personal data for the following primary purposes:

  • Support Collection: To gather and manage support for the war-abused children in conflict zones.
  • Information and Advertising: To inform about various initiatives and actions, and provide tailored or direct advertising through cookies.
  • Inquiry Response: To respond to inquiries and provide supporting certificates.
  • Traffic Monitoring: To analyze website visitor traffic and browsing habits for statistical purposes using cookies.
  • Contract Execution: To create and execute contracts.
  • Record Keeping: To maintain records and provide reports.
  • Protection of Interests: To protect the interests of our organization, its employees, volunteers, and partners.
  • Other Purposes: Related to our operations as specified in more detail in the full Privacy Policy.

Your Rights as a Data Subject

You have the right to:

  • Know and Access: Access personal data processed about you.
  • Correct: Request correction of inaccurate data.
  • Transfer: Request data transfer to another data controller.
  • Object and Refuse: Object to and refuse data processing, or withdraw your consent at any time.
  • Erase: Request the erasure of your data.
  • Restrict: Request restriction of data processing.
  • Complaint: Lodge a complaint with the State Data Protection Inspectorate at

Detailed Privacy and Cookie Policy

Visiting our website can be done anonymously, but certain interactions (like using cookies, asking questions, or interacting on social media) involve personal data processing as outlined in our Privacy and Cookie Policy.

Data Processing Details:

  • Purpose and Legal Basis: We process data to support various initiatives, provide information, respond to inquiries, monitor traffic, deliver tailored advertising, execute contracts, and protect our interests. The legal basis ranges from contractual obligations and legal compliance to your explicit consent for specific actions.
  • Data Retention: Data are retained based on the nature of the interaction, such as up to 3 months for inquiries and up to 10 years for contractual data.
  • Information Sharing: Data are not shared except as required by law or with service providers who help with IT security and website functionality.
  • Data Transfer Outside EU/EEA: Transfers are conducted with appropriate safeguards or based on necessity.
  • Data Security: We implement security policies and measures to protect your personal data from unauthorized access or other non-compliant processing.


Our website uses cookies to improve user experience, which are categorized as follows:

  • Essential Cookies: Automatically placed and necessary for website operation.
  • Statistical Cookies: Installed only with your prior consent to track usage and improve service delivery.
  • Advertising Cookies: Used to tailor advertising based on your browsing history, installed with your prior consent.

For more information about cookies, including how to manage or disable them, please visit the third-party cookie policies:

Policy Updates

This Privacy and Cookie Policy is periodically reviewed and updated as necessary. The most recent review was on July 14, 2023. Significant changes will be communicated through our website.